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VHR Report Library

These documents were all referenced or used in some way in the June 2015 CAST VHR report. Rather than require users of the VHR report to search for them on line, often wading through complex municipal codes to find the applicable provisions, we’re providing them as a service. This should save time and make it easier to further research best practices identified in the report. This library is a tool that will be most useful for planners/community development staff.  They can “borrow” code language, examine issues of interest in-depth, and compare/contrast how communities are addressing specific items.

Austin STR Ordinance

BB&Knowledge_ A Taxing Problem_ How to Regulate Online Vacation Rental Marketplaces _ Best Best & Krieger LLP – JDSupra

Breck Employee Housing Covenant (Gagen) (2013)

Breckenridge (website) SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF LICENSE 4.16.15 revise

Breckenridge nuisance ordinance

Breckenridge Rental of Units – What is Allowed

Durango Code Hearing Vacation Rental Memo_FINAL

Durango license letter

Durango Vacation Rental Process Memo_Jan 14

Durango VR Enforcement Summary_Council Study Session_10.21.14 (1)

Estes Park vacation rental outline

Estes Park Vacation_Homes_White_Paper

Grand Lake code CUPs

Jackson – short term rental change discussion

Park City inspection – Nightly Rentals Checklist 2015

Park City Nightly Rental regs

Park City VR Compliance Contract

Petaluma proposed ord 5.A_-_Short-Term_Vacation_Rentals_-_Staff_Report_and_Attachments_1_and_2


Sonoma County ordinance

Steamboat code Sec._26_88.___Vacation_home_rental.

Steamboat For rent by owner- How technology and familarity are changing the vacation rental landscape | Steamboat Pilot & Today

Steamboat Vacation rental policy passes | Steamboat Pilot & Today

Steamboat VHR regs

Vacation-Rental-Webinar-Feb-2015 (CA)